

unfortunately, patients leave clinics all of the time because of misunderstandings regarding their lab work and the financial component thereof. When picking a laboratory to work with most medical clinics think only of the timeliness of getting results and the accuracy of those results. Unfortunately, they do not, empathetically, think about how the financial aspect of said lab work will affect their patient and their patient’s loyalty to your clinic.

If the laboratory that you choose to work with is overly aggressive in collecting balance bills from your patient then your patient will blame you and call to seek protection from your office manager for large balance bills that have been sent to them by the laboratory.

Call us to receive a list of laboratories that are easy to work with and treat your patients with kindness and respect regarding the financial component of the lab work in your clinic.

Running a medical clinic is hard enough without having a laboratory run your patient off and give them reason to leave your practice.

Contact us to request a list of labs that will work better with your clinic and your loyal patients of your clinic.

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